After nosing around the “Bourbonsphere” for a while I saw several posts about the limited edition rye from Bookers! At first I said…ok…. another rye. (Fast becoming the NEW whiskey….ugh)
But then I looked at the proof… nearly 140%! Whoa! “Now you have my attention”, I uttered under my breath.
It seems to be fact not lore that Jim Bean is making a Rye whiskey under it’s upper end Bookers label. All we can find out at this point is that there will only be about 6,000 bottles released and it will be a 13-year-old Rye whiskey. The price is still unclear….one website says $100 the next $299. Either way this one will be interesting to watch and they may have enough mystique on this one that it may fetch a pretty penny. Stay tuned for more! 🙂
Peace, Love and Bourbon.